Thursday, August 12, 2010

RE:FRESHING Connecting in Chaos

Good Day for Humanity
Ever wonder how people will act in chaos? Yesterday the town I live in found out. You see, our town went from being soggy to flooding with the main water supply shut off for the entire town. And when it was announced that the water was shut off, that was a game-changer for most people. It went from mild inconvenience to nervousness and tension. But what I found in the midst of all this, was what I hoped to find; upbeat optimism, strangers helping strangers, neighbors sharing supplies, and friends that were there when we needed them the most. It was a great day for humanity in our little town. I hope that in your town, your neighborhood and with your friends / family that you find yourself surrounded by people that are invested in you, your life and that things that matter to us all - being connected and ready at a moment's notice. 

All the best,


Photo by Bob Elbert, ISU photographer, Ames Ia  August 11, 2010

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