Tuesday, December 28, 2010

RE:THINK | A Marathon State of Mind (in progress)

Having a sprinter's perspective
I have this down. I am good with shifting gears, moving in a different direction and picking up things and then putting them down again. It is from years as a child picking up and moving over and over again, making new friends on my block, in my classroom or in the town we've moved to. I carried this with me when I went to college, moving an average of every 9 months for 4 years. It's the nomad in me I guess. 

The wonderlust grows throughout the year and I long to experience something different, to be challenged, to grow and to be surprised by things. But as life unfolds I find myself needing to have a longer perspective of things. To be able to endure more for longer periods of time. Especially for things that can't be fixed, healed or cleaned up neatly and put away. 

I have recently agreed to train for a half marathon and it is my hope that this experience will give me the training that I need to also endure the longer challenges in life that come up. 

Hair brain thoughts 
I've never really run before and I have set out this year to purposely dispel the hair-brain idea that I can't do certain things, or I am not this or that. Everyone can run. You don't need to have been a high school track star to run today. I am 41 and this year I've decided to become a runner. Why the heck not? 

You can make up your mind to start something new and significant today. So, that is what I have done. I am putting one step in front of the other every day, training and working hard to build up momentum and endurance.. 

What is your marathon? 
So, if there is something you think you can't do, I'd encourage you to ask yourself where you got that idea in the first place and then, do something surprising....do it anyway and try it a few times before you put it back in that space in our brains that says "I can't do that". 

WebsitesMarathon-Training-Academy.com | runnersworld.com | www.c25k.com
Books: Galloway's Book on Running, Jeff Galloway | Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running | Runner's World Training Journal, by editor's of Runner's World Magazine and Amby Burgoot
Droid Apps for Running: Time Run, Buddy Runner, Cardio Trainer, & Calorie Counter

Sandy is now running 3 miles without dying and planning (not totally committed yet) to running her first half marathon in May 2011.


1 Funky Woman said...

Ok, I doubt you remember me but I met you at the art fair in September. My name is Megan and I am amazed by your work. I was with my two kiddos and was talking about having you do a piece that said, "Who said she wanted to fit in!" I just started searching and yeah you even have a blog. I do too! It isn't something people in Ames know about. Hope we can talk stometime!

Good for you and starting your running. The only reason I would run is if someone was chasing after me!



PinkSlip Studio said...


I wrote our conversation down in my sketchbook! I remember talking with you and your comment just made me smile, long after you left my booth. What I loved about it was how confident and sassy you were when you said it. That.....I loved.
Anyhoo - glad you found my little notes that I write down. I'm just starting to get back into writing after a long, long hiatus from it. I went to your site too and laughed out loud. I wash my shower when i am in it too! I do about half of the things that you do on that list, so I'm thinking......we probably need to cross paths again sometime soon. Toss me a line anytime!